Our Mission and Purpose
The Fairview Park City Schools Hall of Fame was established to honor and publicly recognize distinguished alumni, athletes and staff who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in areas such as citizenship, leadership, education, sportsmanship, the arts and sciences, the business world and professional fields.
Such special recognition provides current students of the Fairview Park City Schools an opportunity to understand the value of their education and the possibilities to which it may lead. The Hall of Fame inductees can provide inspiration to a new generation of students through their example. The Fairview High School Hall of Fame Committee is committed to perpetuating the Hall of Fame at Fairview High School and inducting extraordinary nominees for permanent remembrance.
The Athletic Hall of Fame is composed of outstanding Fairview Park High School Athletes, Coaches and Athletic Administrators who in addition to their athletic achievement have made positive contributions to the betterment of the Fairview High School Athletic Program. To be eligible for consideration athletes must have graduated nine years prior to selection. Coaches or Athletic Administrators must have been at Fairview High School prior to 2011.
The Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame is composed of Fairview High School graduates or students who attended the Fairview Park Schools nine years prior to selection. The inductees have demonstrated success in their chosen field and have made notable contributions to their community.
The Distinguished Faculty/Staff Hall of Fame is composed of retired faculty members and support staff of Fairview Park Schools. The inductees have served at least ten years in the District and have been retired from Fairview Park Schools for at least three years. The inductees have demonstrated success in their chosen field, have made notable contributions, and have impacted the students of the Fairview Park Schools.
The Fairview Park Schools Legacy Award Beginning with the 2020 Induction, the Legacy Award recognizes and celebrates Ohio State Championship teams.
Chairman: Tom Kairis Treasurer: Hans Larson
Secretary: Becky Tweedle
Committee Members: Tony DiBiasio, Tom Kairis, Hans Larsen, Sarah McIntyre, Rebecca Tweedle, Bryan Weir, Chris Vicha
Co-Chairs: Fred Allen & Bill Bristow
Committee Members: Ed Eiskamp, Richard Betor, Dave Coleman, Sharon Traver-Guinaugh, Lisa Howell-Koustis, Richard Stuewe, Jane Weaver, Judy Whalen, Elaine Morris, Cary Wilgren