A special message from the Fairview Park City Schools Hall of Fame Committee


Dear Friends,


It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since the inception of Fairview Park City Schools Halls of Fame.  There have now been over 100 distinguished alumni, athletes and staff inducted into our Hall of Fame, with each inductee’s plaque prominently displayed in the appropriate Hall of Fame at Fairview High School. At the 2017 Induction Ceremony this past May we were pleased to honor the Hall of Fame Founders. 


As an affiliate of the Fairview Park Schools Education Foundation,tThe Hall of Fame enjoys 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Your annual donation is tax deductible, and a significant help in defraying the expenses we incur related to our Hall of Fame inductions.  In addition to our induction programming, the Hall of Fame committee has created an annual $500 scholarship for a graduating Fairview High School senior.  We have also created the website you are viewing, featuring inductee profiles and activities related to the Fairview Park City Schools Hall of Fame.


Continuation of these traditions and new undertakings can only be possible with your generous donation. When you make a tax deductible donation, your name will be listed in the Hall of Fame Induction page of our website.


Your gift will be greatly appreciated. 


Please send tour tax deductible donations to support the Fairview Park City Schools Halls of Fame and our Scholarship Fund to:
Fairview Park City Schools Hall of Fame
℅ Fairview Haigh School
4507 W. 213th Street
Fairview Park, OH 44126
Please make your check payable to the Fairview Park Schools Education Foundation, indicating the Hall of Fame in the "memo" section. Include your full contact information including phone number and email address so that we may stay in touch with you.
You may also donate online using PayPal by clicking on the "Donate" link at the bottom of this page.



Thank you for your support.

Donate to the Hall of Fame Scholarship

The Fairview High School Hall of Fame awards a $500, Dick Stuewe Memorial Scholarship each year to a graduating Fairview High School senior.

The Fairview Park Schools Education Foundation chooses the recipients for approximately 20 different scholarships offered to Fairview High School seniors, including the Hall of Fame Scholarship recipient. In deciding the winners among the various scholarships, the Education Foundation attempts to "spread the wealth," so that as many seniors as possible receive support.

The Hall of Fame Committee has a goal to raise $2,000 this year to support the Scholarship Program.

Please send tax deductible donations to support the Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund to:
Hall of Fame Scholarship
Fairview Park City Schools
P.O. Box 26285
Fairview Park, OH 44126

You can also donate to the Hall of Fame via credit card or PayPal. Simply click the Donate button below.